Thursday 1 March 2012

When Christianity declines...

As the West jettisons Christianity, all the old ways come predictably back.

This week in the news I've seen a good sample. People who keep sex slaves. Bestiality. A corrupt and selfish ruling political class who behave as if they are not servants, but masters. The spread of homosexuality. Yesterday, Oxbridge academics defending post-natal infanticide. Today - rich men keep harems. There's nothing new under the sun...

A generation ago people would have though such a regular and steady diet of such things in the news in the West to be impossible. Living in the pre-Christian third world, all we can say is, there's much worse to come. At least in the West those things are actually still considered news. The next stage is worse. When a friend of ours got kidnapped to become a sex slave, it wasn't even local news. Thankfully in God's mercies she was rescued...

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