Wednesday, 5 March 2025

"Brothers, we are not political pundits"

This chimes so well with points I've blogged about on and off recently: Very good article.

"Brothers, we can be pundits or we can be pastors, but we likely cannot be both." I don't know why the "likely" was included in that closing line, since the article preceding it made an excellent case that we just can't, full stop. The same man cannot both preach "please let me be completely clear that until you have Christ, you are lost and ruined, forever, and this matters more than the whole world; you need to understand that the kingdom of God has arrived in Jesus Christ, and transcends all the things you are attached to in this passing world" and also be someone known for responding to the 24-hour news cycle.

Anyone attempting to serve two masters will serve Christ badly, and quite often not be anything like as good as he thinks he is in the activity in which he's moonlighting too. Pastors and preachers are ambassadors. They must have the spirit expressed when Martyn Lloyd-Jones quoted Nehemiah when people told him that his oratorical gifts would be put to great use in parliament: "I am doing a great work; I cannot come down."