Tuesday 21 February 2012

Do historical matters matter to faith?

This book looks valuable and timely - "Do Historical Matters Matter To Faith?" - "a firm defense of Scripture’s legitimacy and the theological implications of modern and postmodern approaches that teach otherwise".

I can't tell from the brief Amazon description if it addresses the creation/evolution controversy. But the overall thesis certainly sounds vital to that area, especially whilst we are currently plagued by those of the ilk of Denis Alexander, Mike Taylor, Biologos et. al., who are determined to teach the church that you can keep the Bible's spiritual insights whilst gutting it of its historical foundation.

1 comment:

Ned Kelly said...

one to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist, the historical authenticity of Scripture allows one to be an intellectually fulfilled theist. Why would we place our trust in God’s faithfulness if we had no evidence? Theological truths must be grounded in practical reality, not always, but sufficiently often to differentiate Christianity from paganism. God has not left us without evidence, nor did He intend to, in my opinion, for He knows our scepticism. Throughout biblical history, we have miracles and prophecies. If we claim that these events are nothing other than mythical events to teach us theological truths, who is the author of the myths? I cannot conceive of a faithful God inspiring His prophets to write deceitful untruths to teach us truth. Thus the authors of such myths must be man, and we would have no reason to believe them. Either Scripture is a work of human fiction, or it is not, but most certainly, it cannot be divinely inspired fiction, for that is a contradiction in terms.