Monday, 11 November 2024

Just saying.....

Apparently, more than 100 UK local authorities will ask you your 3 year-old's preferred gender identity if you attempt to register a place for said 3 year-old in one of these local authority's schools.

Now, I'd tend to think that it's good of them to warn you, so that you now have opportunity to take preventative action. Fore-warned is fore-armed, as the saying goes.

I'm fairly sure that if the form asked questions about torturing your child, starving them or other forms of abuse, then most people would find this pretty obvious.

Somehow, and social pressure and implicit threats have a lot to do with this, people in the UK have been conditioned into trying to explain away the warnings that others intend to expose their child to the abuse of gender ideology and indoctrinate them in it, and to try to minimise that fact.

But if your eyes are open, then it is what it is. Drag queens (a.k.a. groomers), preferred pronouns, indoctrination about an imaginary and alternative "real you" somewhere deep, deep down inside, warnings against (and even bringing in social services to "protect" you against) wicked parents who think that your creator's gift of a male body reveals that you actually are male and that a body/"real me" dualism is a revival of of old Gnostic heresies (or female/female) - it's all on the way. You're being warned. And as ever, blind hope is not a strategy. If you walk towards a cliff at a steady pace, hoping that this will turn out well, and crossing your fingers that the signs saying "dangerous cliff ahead" won't mean much in the end, then this is not sensible. And pointing out that other people walked off other cliffs in other ways, or even that their children insisted on throwing themselves off anyway despite having been consistently taught truth, prayed for and shown a godly example, still won't make the landing hurt any less for you and your child.

Life involves choices. And the choice not to gift your child over to people who despise and reject truth and want to bathe your child 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks a year, for the next 14+ years of its life in their lies, really is one that God wants you to make. How do I know this? He said so (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Ephesians 6:4).

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