Thursday, 31 January 2008

Got Teenagers?

Here's a tip-off about a book I haven't read. But the subject matter is important!

Our teenage years are absolutely crucial, because in them we make the transition from childhood to adulthood. They are awkward years - is this gangly youth a boy or a man, or something else?

One of the most obvious marks of the foolishness of modern Western society is the almost unbelievably low expectations which we have of our teenagers. Many modern parents completely expect their teenagers to be layabouts, to rebel against all authority, and to produce nothing of any worth or value until they "grow up" (an event which is deferred until the 20s). And yet these years are some of the most crucial, character forming and potentially productive. When you meet a teenager who didn't share this set of devastatingly low expectations, the difference is enormous. What a waste to lose these years!

All of this makes me encouraged to hear about the forthcoming "Do Hard Things", written by teenage brothers Alex and Brett Harris. Here's the blurb, written by blogger Justin Taylor (

In writing this wise and compelling book, the Harris brothers model their very message: a competent, Christlike, collaborative effort that casts a vision for rebelling against the culture of "teenage" low expectations. Along the way, readers are introduced to a growing group of ordinary rebelutionaries who are doing hard and extraordinary kingdom work. I thank God for this book, and I warmly recommend it to teenagers and parents alike.


Abridged audio CD:

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