The Apostle always has Christ on the tip of his tongue. He foresaw that nothing would be less known in the world some day than the Gospel of Christ. Therefore he talks of Christ continually. As often as he speaks of righteousness, grace, the promise, the adoption, and the inheritance of heaven, he adds the words, "In Christ," or "Through Christ," to show that these blessings are not to be had by the Law, or the deeds of the Law, much less by our own exertions, or by the observance of human traditions, but only by and through and in Christ. - Martin Luther on Galatians 3:7
If you are a minister of the gospel, then are you one that Paul would recognise, because Christ is always on the tip of your tongue?
If you are a believer in Christ, then is your manner of life one that the Bible would recognise - your cry is always "more of Him!" ?